Deep Thoughts, by Oscar Papel

Thursday, November 18, 2004

MPAA joins RIAA in the seventh circle of hell...

The MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) has finally joined the RIAA in it's practice of abusing the legal system in order to wring every last dollar from the public.

Bill Could Criminalize Fast-Forwarding DVD Ads, Trailers

A new bill before Congress may eventually have DVD-viewers thinking twice before fast-forwarding through the ads and previews.

The proposed legislation would make fast-forwarding through those ads illegal -- not only in theaters, but also at home, NBC News reported.

The bill allows technology that lets families edit out explicit scenes or material to track the DVD use. But broadcast companies have lobbied hard to keep commercials and movie trailers off limits.

"Their concern is if it becomes easy for people to skip ads, then their whole business model goes down the drain," said Gigi Sohn, of a consumer advocacy group called Public Knowledge.

Public Knowledge is fighting the bill and Sohn said families have been skipping ads ever since the early days of the VCR.

Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, agreed, saying: "Do we really expect to throw people in jail for behavior they've been engaged in for more than a quarter century?"

Media executives said that's not their goal. The Motion Picture Association said it supports other parts of the act, "particularly those provisions that will help combat the theft of motion pictures," NBC News reported.

The MPAA no longer even pretends to care about it's consumers. I know that they will just say that they are playing the game of Capitalism but I don't buy it. They say that they will lose revenue dollars if they are not allowed this extroardinary privilege. How many sources of revenue do they need? There's theatre revenue, product placement, Co-branding, merchandise, books, magazines, on-line premium content, collector's edition DVD's, regular DVD's and VHS sales, DVD/VHS rental, overseas sales, licensing, pay per view, Cable operators, regular TV, overseas sales, etc. Do they really need to hammer us with forced Ads on DVD's as well? Come on. Now you're just being greedy.